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When to Call an Electrician: Top signs you shouldn’t ignore

An electrician installing a solar panel on a home's roof.

Though it’s tempting to try and handle all your electrical systems on your own, the difficulty of working on the various systems in your home or business varies immensely. If you’re planning on taking on any projects on your own, we believe that knowing when to call an electrician is vital to keeping your home or business safe and running for many years to come!

The top signs that you should call an electrician are frequent breaker trips, flickering lights, outlets or switches that feel warm, or if you’re noticing any burning smells coming from any of your appliances or outlets. Additionally, call an electrician if you’re attempting any DIY projects around the home involving the electrical systems.

Attempting to manage these signs on your own may lead to more problems, some of which are potentially dangerous.

Here, we’ll try to discuss these signs in detail, and provide guidance if you’re noticing any of these in your home or business.

Top signs you need to call an electrician

1. Frequent circuit breaker trips

Circuit breakers are designed to protect your home from electrical overloads. If you notice that your circuit breaker keeps tripping, or are tripping frequently, it’s a clear sign that something is amiss.

This could be due to overloaded circuits, faulty wiring, or damaged electrical appliances. Ignoring this issue can lead to fire hazards, so it’s essential to have an electrician assess the problem.

Take a look through our guide to fixing a tripped breaker that won’t reset, and if you’re still having trouble, call an electrician in your area to further diagnose the issue.

2. Flickering lights

Depending on the severity and frequency, flickering lights can range from a minor annoyance to a major issue. Regardless, they could indicate underlying electrical issues.

Loose wiring, a faulty fixture, or problems with the electrical panel could be the culprits. An electrician can diagnose the cause and ensure that your lighting system is safe and reliable.

Read more about flickering lights in our flickering lights guide here.

3. Outlets and switches feel warm

If your electrical outlets or light switches feel warm to the touch, it’s a warning sign of potential trouble. This warmth could be a result of loose wiring or circuits that have been overloaded with too many appliances, electrical devices, extension cords, etc.

Maintain the safety of your home’s electrical system by getting an electrician involved. Ignoring this issue can lead to outlets smoking, overheating, sparking, and even electrical fires. An electrician can identify the source of the problem and make the necessary repairs.

4. Burning odor

A burning or smoky smell in your home is a severe cause for concern. It could indicate overheated wiring, faulty outlets, or damaged appliances.

Oftentimes, this may be coupled with other symptoms, such as warm outlets mentioned above.

In any case, it’s important not to ignore this warning sign. Turn off the power to the affected area and contact an electrician immediately to prevent a potential fire.

5. Persistent electrical surges

Persistent electrical surges are not only frustrating but can also wreak havoc on your household appliances and electronics. These surges, often characterized by sudden, brief increases in voltage, can be caused by various factors, including faulty wiring, unstable power grids, or even nearby lightning strikes.

When left unaddressed, they pose a significant risk to your valuable devices, leading to premature wear and tear and, in some cases, irreparable damage. Moreover, frequent surges can weaken the overall integrity of your electrical system, potentially increasing the likelihood of more severe issues down the line.

To safeguard your electronics and ensure the long-term health of your electrical infrastructure, consult with a professional electrician when you notice a pattern of persistent electrical surges in your home or business.

6. DIY Electrical Work

We totally understand and support DIY work – sometimes it can be cost-effective, and even fun (if you’re so inclined). However, we would urge you to consider calling an electrician if the project you’ve got in mind involves your property’s electrical wiring or systems in any way.

Attempting electrical repairs or installations without the proper knowledge and tools can lead to electrical problems at least, or be potentially dangerous at worst.

An electrician can help you by consulting on the work that needs to be done, and even take care of the electrical portions of the work for you. If you’ve got a DI project in mind, and are unsure about it’s implications for your electrical systems, consult an electrician to inspect and rectify any potential issues.

When should you call an electrician?

Whether in a home or business, your electrical systems are complex networks that demand respect and regular maintenance.

Knowing when to call an electrician can save you from costly repairs, protect your property, and, most importantly, keep the people safe who matter most.

If you experience any of the warning signs mentioned in this article, don’t hesitate to reach out to a licensed electrician. They have the expertise to diagnose and resolve electrical issues, ensuring your home remains a safe and functional space.